Monday, January 17, 2011

It Got Our Goat

We came across this item on the KARE11 website this evening (and yes, we're talking about the weather and not the woman in blue):

Now, wouldn't the headline Twin Cities Closing In on Snowfall Record suggest that the Twin Cities are quite close to breaking the record, on the precipitation precipice as it were? In reality, the 59.5 inches is more than 30 inches short of the record! Yea, it's only mid-January, but the headline suggests it's a mere matter of time, doncha think? Here at TMF, we don't like any comments about the weather that are misleading.

Are we out of line? What do you think?


  1. Plus, the record is 98.4, not 90 inches.

  2. A sloppy report all the way around. Good catch.

  3. An AP weather article not written or having a quote from a meteorologist is sloppy? Shocking.

    Same thing happens all the time with astronomy reports too. AP just picks up some headline from NASA and writes some crappy article without running anything past someone who knows what they're talking about.

  4. Yea, but that shouldn't absolve KARE from exercising a wee bit of responsibility over the matter.

  5. The State Climate office has the record at 98.6".

  6. Yes, I have seen these two numbers thrown around. I remember that year and knew I could remember the record because it was the same as our body temp (98.6"). But then the NWS started throwing out this 98.4" value. Yes, I am a weather and climate geek.
